Everything is permissible

1st Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful, he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way of escape. so you can stand up under it.

I remember when we took a team in our bus to Miami to plant a churchi, My husband Chris was driving and we were heading to the airport for some reason. I looked ahead and saw a viaduct that I felt we would not clear. He dismissed me, and said he would, but as we got closer he saw i was right and quickly put on the brakes. we came to a screeching stop . One of our leaders got out to measure. the bus was less than an inch from becoming a convertible The thing about that situation was that to our right there was sign that said “way of escape”. Sometimes when we are tempted, we can feel like like we are about to crash and burn. That whatever it is , it is about to slam into that viaduct.

Look for the way of escape, when we are enticed to do it our way. We need to remember Philippians 4:19 My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches and glory.

Many grapple with 1 Corinthians 6;12 Everything is permissible for me, but i will not be mastered by anything.    To much of a good thing becomes sin. And i 1 want my heavenly Father to know that I love him, not ony by lip service but by my obedience..

Lord Jesus, Help me to live m best life as an example of your love for your people. Let your Holy Spirit lead and guide. Help me to not let anything become my master.

7 Replies to “Everything is permissible”

  1. Veronica Hardaway

    This message is very motivating! I know there are times when I’m challenged with temptations and I remind myself that I live god more than anything and to resist the temptation would be an act of showing it.

  2. Wanda Hayes

    Pastor Monica the word is always encouraging you are a living example doing Gods work.Im praying for strength every day and i know he hears all who believes.I will keep trusting and believing, i like helping others as a young lady,will keep on .I thankyou for your encouragment.God loves you and so do i.

  3. Roger Lane

    What a great illustration of how God makes a way where there seems to be no way. He will provide a way of escape to those who call on his name. Can’t imagine life alone without the presence of the Holy Spirit to prompt me on where to go and where not to go. Help is available and on the way if we choose to ask for it.
    Great blog. Keep up the good work. How often will it be coming out? RL

  4. Felisa Smith

    Pastor Monica thank You sooo much for your wonderful words of encouragement. God is Good I will continue to follow the word of God.

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