Who is the accuser of the Brethren?

. . . for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

Revelation 12:10

I’ve been a pastor for 25 years.  I’ve seen the accuser wreak havoc on Christians. No one is exempt from his accusations. I have heard people say: “I’m not important.” “I’m not qualified.” “I’m no good.” ” I’m not pretty. ” “No one loves me.”

Next to temptation, accusations are the most frequent and insistent attacks from Satan that we are vulnerable to. It is by faith that we have entered into a relationship with Christ Jesus. As a result, we are dead to sin and alive to Christ.

There’s nothing the accuser can do about it. However, he can convince us of his lies and render us inoperative. We can feel of little value to God. That said, there’s nothing Satan can do. Our faith is sealed. We are adopted into the family. We are Joint Heirs with Christ.

His shed blood is our adoptions papers. Our heavenly Father cares about us.

When I was pastoring two churches in two different cities, I developed a chronic disease and grew tired. I became physically and spiritually vulnerable to attacks from Satan’s accusations.  I felt inadequate and questioned God’s call for my life. “Did you really want ME – to reach to this ghetto in south Chicago?”

I lost the Joy of the Lord. I battered myself with the accusations. It was truly a low point in my life.

Then God sent me a vacationing Canadian. It was really unusual to see another white person, besides me and my family, in that segregated neighborhood. He looked a little confused and lost. The man said he was looking for a pastor somewhere in the city of Chicago.

He entered the building while I was counseling a couple, and said “I have a word for the pastor, but I see your busy.” He turned to leave.

I paused the session and told him, “Wait a minute, you said you have a word!”

He then told me that he was on road trip, and God told him to detour onto highway 94. The Spirit started speaking to him about a hurting pastor and led him to our church doors in the heart of south Chicago’s ghetto.

As he started speaking, I knew he found the right pastor. He spoke life to me. I could barely stand up and my heart felt like it was going to burst. I wept like a baby. His words answered all my questions and confirmed to me that this church plant was of God! I was filled with joy knowing, “God was in it!”

Dear Lord,

I am so amazed at your unconditional Love you have for us. Even when I begin to doubt, you are not wavered by it. You continue to show yourself to me.  Even in the hardest of times, when I couldn’t see your beauty past my pain.  

Thank you.

5 Replies to “Who is the accuser of the Brethren?”

  1. Veronica H.

    Thank you for this word pastor. The devil will play on our weaknesses but we have to cover ourselves with the armor of god. This message is on time for I have been getting attacked this past week and this is just a confirmation that that god is speaking to me through you.

  2. Darlene Lawrence Gibson

    That’s a good word Pastor we have all been there if we’re honest with ourselves well I have ijs thank you for your encouragement

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