The Living Word

On my weekly videos, we’ve been focusing on does God speak to us this last month. I hope you know the answer is yes. But he speaks to us so many ways. Today, I want you to know about the Living Word.

63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life.

John 6:63 NIV

Through the Bible, God speaks to us. Not because they are words written on a page, but because they are inspired by God. Not only that, much of the New Testament are the words of Jesus, God on Earth, himself! His word is gives life. So rely on it when we are struggling. Rely on it when you need encouragement. We can hear from God whenever we need him. On top of this, we are not limited to simply reading and understanding with our minds. The Holy Spirit guides us and leads us as we read the word. He illuminates new meanings and new teachings to us. So, listen to his voice. Read the word! Let the Holy Spirit speak to you and guide you. I know You will hear him!

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